Window Film Care Instructions


Congratulations on your new window film installation! To keep your window film looking great and functioning effectively for years to come, please follow these care instructions:

Curing Period

Allow Time to Cure:
  • Your window film needs time to fully adhere to the glass. This curing process can take 7 to 30 days, depending on the type of film and weather conditions.
  • Cold or non-sunny weather conditions canlengthen the dry-out time, while warm weather and direct sun light exposure will shorten the dry-out time. If slow drying does occur, do not become alarmed. The film will dry-out.
  • During this time small water beads and a slightly cloudy or hazy look may appear during the dry-out time. These will dissipate as the film cures.
  • Do not touch or rub any bubbles during curing period.
  • We install using PH neutral DI water and baby shampoo, streaking may be visible for the first few days.
Avoid Contact:
  • Do not roll down windows 48 hours.
  • Do not clean the film during the curing period.
  • Do not operate convertible tops during first 48 hours.
  • Avoid placing stickers, suction cups, or adhesives on the film during this time.

Cleaning Guidelines

Wait to Clean:
  • Do not clean your windows for at least 30 days after installation to allow the film to set properly.
Use Safe Cleaning Tools:
  • Use a soft microfiber cloth or a clean, non-abrasive sponge.
  • Avoid rough materials like paper towels or scrubbing pads, as some of these products can scratch the film.
Choose the Right Cleaner:
  • Use a mild soap-and-water solution or a window cleaner labeled "ammonia-free." We highly recommend the Sprayway foaming glass cleaner.
  • Avoid harsh chemicals or ammonia-based cleaners, as these can damage the film.
Cleaning Technique:
  • Spray your cleaning solution onto the cloth, not directly onto the film, to prevent liquid from seeping into the film's edges.
  • Gently wipe the film in a straight-line motion to avoid streaks.

Maintenance Tips

Protect Against Damage:
  • Avoid using sharp objects or abrasive tools near the windows.
  • Be cautious when opening or closing windows to prevent film peeling or tearing.
  • Be careful removing seatbelts as they can swing into the glass and damage the film.

What to Avoid

  • Do not use razor blades or sharp tools to scrape the film.
  • o not install stickers, decals, or adhesives directly on the film.

By following these care instructions, your window film will remain clear, durable, and effective for many years. If you have any questions or notice any issues, don’t hesitate to contact us for assistance.

Enjoy your enhanced comfort, privacy, and UV protection!

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